Membership list, bodies and statute of the Teatro Regio Torino Foundation

In 1998, the Italian opera associations became, by act of Parliament, private-law foundations. This allows greater managerial dynamism, and above all, constitutes an incentive to find, in the areas of Italian business, industry, and finance, partners capable of participating in the life of the Theatre through investments of economic resources that increase productivity and improve the quality of the staging.
Within this section are explained the Membership List, the executive bodies and the Statute of the Teatro Regio Foundation of Torino.
In addition are published the information about charitable contributions.
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Guideline Council
Stefano Lo Russo
The Mayor of the City of Turin
Members of the Council
Michele Coppola Vice-chairman
Giuseppe Bergesio
Giampiero Leo
Giuseppe Guido Navello
Roberto Pani
Francesca Ramondo
Head management
Mathieu Jouvin
Artistic Director
Cristiano Sandri
Music Director
Andrea Battistoni
Board of Auditors
Piergiorgio Della Ventura
Diego De Magistris
Massimo Broccio
The complete text in Italian of the Statute of the Teatro Regio of Torino Foundation, made up of the following articles:
- Constitution - Name - Seat - Duration
- Objectives - Activities
- Foundation competition
- Assets
- Bodies
- President and Vice President
- Board of Directors
- Board of Directors – Powers and Functioning
- The General Manager
- Board of Auditors
- Legal revision
- Final balance
- Budget
- State Attorney
- Dissolution
Download the complete text of the Statute [IT language]